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"CyberTown Job Descriptions"


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Block Deputy(BD) Club Assistant (CA) E-Plex Chief Gallery Chief
Block Leader (BL) Club Owner (CO) E-Plex deputy Gallery Deputy
Neighborhood Deputy (ND) Chief of Clubs (CC) Arcade Chief Nightclub Chief
Neighborhood Leader (NL) Deputy of Clubs (CD) Arcade Deputy Nightclub Deputy
CVN Editor Cy-tographer Casino Chief  
Deputy News Editor CVN Staff Writer Casino Deputy City Guide



Top  Block Deputy (BD)

Weekly cc wages: 175

Weekly exp. gained: 10 

Job description: The main job of a Block Deputy is to assist the Block Leader in the task of maintaining the block in which he/she is employed. These responsibilities may vary to some degree from neigborhood to neigborhood, but responsibilities can include; Checking and approving photo's and artwork in each residents home, checking any URL's provided in a residents home for broken links or inappropriate material, (see your Cybertown constitution for an explanation of innapropriate material and behavior.) checks the length of time each home has been vacant, and may delete that home from the block if the vacancy has been over 4 weeks in duration, greets any new residents with a welcome message in their inbox, helps any resident who asks or needs help, and plans events and activities to raise the level of involvement in the block.


Top  Block Leader (BL):

Weekly cc wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: The Block Leader is in charge of the block in which he/she is employed. As with the Block Deputy, the tasks of a Block Leader may vary from neigborhood to neigborhood. Responsibilities can include; any responsibilities listed in the Block deputies job description which the Block Leader chooses to do on his/her own and does not delegate to his/her deputies, oversees the training of the Block Deputy's in his charge, places new lots in the block as it grows, plans, and facilitates block wide events, places himself under the authority of the Neigborhood deputy's over him, and does his best to fulfill their wishes to improve the quality and activity level of the neigborhood in general.


Top  Neighborhood Deputy (ND):

Weekly cc wages: 235

Weekly exp. gained: 18

Job description: Neighborhood deputy's, or "ND's" are given various areas or "specialties" to perform by the NL. They must help the NL keep in touch with the BL's in the hood. Responsibilities can include; training and helping the Block Leaders in their charge, acting as a mentor to the BL's, work as a group to coordinate activities within the hood, and report regularly to the NL. Helpful skills are; knowledge of HTML, Training ability, locating and recording information, organization, and troubleshooting. Other tasks are similar to that of a Block leader, but on a Neighborhood level rather than the Block level.


Top  Neighborhood Leader (NL):

Weekly cc wages: 275

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The Neighborhood Leader is the person in charge of overseeing the well being of the "hood" in his/her charge. Responsibilities can include; Developing the people working under him/her. That is to train the ND's in the tasks they perform, and to help them become responsible individuals, each with their own unique qualities and working styles. Delegates authority and tasks among his/her Deputy's, Maintain a healthy and constructive environment within the neighborhood. The NL must report to the Colony Leader on a regular basis, and be a spokesman for the hood at various events and functions in Cybertown.


Top  Club Owner (CO):

Weekly cc wages: 200

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: A Club Owner is a citizen of cybertown who opens his/her own club. A citizen must have 500 exp. before he/she can open a club. Responsibilities can include; Acting as host or hostess during club events, take ideas for inproving the club, decides upon the theme of the club, decorates the club, hires and trains his/her Club Assistants. A club owner will also plan party's, meetings, and events at the club in which he/she owns.


Top  Club Assistant (CA):

Weekly cc wages: 150

Weekly exp. gained: 10

Job Description: A Club Assistant helps the Club owner in various activities surrounding the operation and welfare of the club in which he/she is employed. Responsibilities can include; acting as a host or hostess during the time which the assistant is in the club, advertizing and spreading the word about the club, and it's upcoming events, and planning activities and events as well.


Top  Chief of Clubs (CC):

Weekly cc wages: 250

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The Chief of Clubs is the person who is in charge of and oversees the function and operation of all the clubs in Cybertown. Responsibilities can include; Checking the information and titles of all clubs, responding to e-mails, deleting clubs, transfer of club ownerships, Monitor image approvals, Monitors deputy attendance to area of responsibility, and hires and trains the deputy's working for him/her. Other duty's of a Club chief would be to act as a liaison with the Mayor, Blaxxun, Security, and other CT personnel on behalf of clubs, and attend official CT functions.


Top  Deputy of Clubs (CD):

Weekly cc wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: It is the job of a Deputy of clubs to fulfill the various tasks given to them by the chief. Resposibilities can include; Approving images, replies to, and maintains the clubs directory messageboard. Also posts reminders and updates to the clubs in "messages to all". Updates and edits the club home page, Monitors activity levels of all the clubs and reports to the chief every week, warns club owners of 0% activity levels.


Top  Cy-tographer:

Weekly cc wages: 200

Weekly exp.gained: 15

Job description: The Cybertown Cy-tographer is the cities on staff photographer. Currently there is only one postion available in this field, but look for the formation of a new title soon, the "Cy-tographer assistant". The new assistant position, however, has not been finalized. We'll keep you posted! Responsibilities can include; Covering city wide events, screenshot editing and submittal to CVN news staff. Essential skills include the ability to take good screenshots, adjust VRLM preferences and improve the quality of the picture. *Note* (opportunities do exist as a Cy-tographer within certain colonies and hoods. To get info. on possible openings at these levels ckeck directly with each colony/hoods job openings site.)


Top  City Guide:

Weekly cc wages: 200

Wekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: The main goal of a City Guide is to help citizens learn about and get around here in Cybertown. Responsibilities can include; spending time at newcomers meetings, being a presence on the various chat boards in the city where newcomers tend to congragate, answering questions about cybertown, giving tours, teaching citizens how to use the many services found in the city, and responding to the city guide messageboard. A gity guide must have at least 500 exp. points for consideration, and have a good working knowledge of the many aspects of Cybertown.


Top  E-Plex Chief:

Weekly cc Wages: 250

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The main job of the e-plex chief is to oversee and coordinate the other chief positions within the e-plex. These position are: Nightclub Chief, Gallery Chief, Casino Chief, Arcade Chief, and the Vdrome Chief. The e-plex chief must have good leadership qualities, and be able to plan events with colonies on a large scale. An e-plex chief is required to have at least 1000 exp. before being considered for the position. As is also the case with the other chief positions in the e-plex. Note: The formation of an E-Plex Event Council is in the works, so look for further updates regarding the tasks of this council.


Top  E-Plex deputy:

Weekly cc Wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: E-Plex deputy's are employed by the chief, and positions are broken up into distinct responsibilities; Research staff, Event planning, Tech consultant, Constructor, Developer, and Event Council. (event council is still in planning stage) Special skills needed for the deputy position are; the ability to handle critical situations, pleasant demeanor, and basic HTML. In some cases special skills are needed. Developers, for instance, should know other program languages such as Java, and Constructors need to have VRML skills. E-plex deputy staff should have 500 or more exp. to be considered for the position.


Top  Arcade Chief:

Weekly cc wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The Arcade chief manages the operation of the arcade located in the e-plex. Responsibilities would include; managing the Arcade reservation system, planning tournaments, hiring and training the arcade deputy's, attending e-plex staff meetings, informing the e-plex chief of any problems or errors, and creating graphics for the inbox and messageboard. The arcade chief reports to the e-plex chief, and delegates responsibilities to his/her deputy's.


Top  Arcade Deputy:

Weekly cc wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: A citizen wanting to apply for an arcade deputy position must have at least 500 exp. points, and have some HTML skills. Responsibilities are broken down into 2 categories; Communications officer and Events officer. various tasks include; posting events on city boards and colony boards, posting individual invitations to persons invited to parties, helping to maintain the arcade website and answering tech questions, keeping track of event winners and scores, being an attendant or host during events in the arcade, and helping to take care of the reservation system. An arcade deputy must be available to attend meetings and arcade sponsored events.


Top  Casino Chief:

Weekly cc wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The Casino chief oversees the day to day operation of the casino, located in the e-plex. Responsibilities can include; Maintaining the casino website, answering questions, training and hiring casino deputy's, advertizing and planning events, coming up with new ideas for the casino. The Casino Chief reports to the e-plex chief, and attends e-plex staff meetings. Being available to help, and delating responsibility to the deputy's is key to be successful as casino chief.


Top  Casino Deputy:

Weekly cc wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: A casino deputy helps others with learning to use, and operate the games. Citizens wanting to apply for this position must have a sense of responsibility, maturity, have a good record in Coci, a willingness to help others, and some exp. as a Block Leader. Duty's are broken into categories; Research, Development, Technician, Adviser, Games assistant, and Bowling manager.


Top  Gallery Chief:

Weekly cc wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The Gallery Chief oversees the operation of the Art gallery here in Cybertown. It takes good leadership skills to perform this job. Responsibilities can include; Hiring and training the deputy's whcih serve under him/her, delegates various tasks to the deputy's in order to achieve te highest possible work output, advertizes contests and events, works with the "Head of community Operations" in the process of uploading images for the gallery.


Top  Gallery Deputy:

Weekly cc wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: Each gallery deputy is assigned specific tasks, and are divided into 4 seperate groupings as follows; E-groups/club manager-This deputy would manage the meeting room and e-group. Events Coordinator-This deputy would be in charge of planning parties and events. Inbox/Messageboard keeper-this deputy would manage the inbox and messageboard in the gallery, decorating it and keeping up on responding to the posts. Error Monitor-this deputy check broken links and images that do not load properly. The Gallery chief requires that anyone applying for this position have at least 325 exp. points and some HTML knowledge.


Top  Nightclub Chief (NoC):

Weekly cc wages: 250

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The NcC(Nightclub Chief) is responsible for overseing the operation of the Black Sun Nightclub located in the e-plex. This position is a seperate entity from the "Chief of Clubs" job. Responsibilities can include; Answering citizens questions and concerns, checking the inbox and messageboard in the club, hiring and training Nightclub Deputy's, handling the upload of RealPlayer files from Blaxxum, and planning party's, and events . The NcC reports information and problems to the E-plex chief, and attends e-plex staff meetings.


Top Nightclub Deputy:

Weekly cc Wages: 225

Weekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: A Nightclub Deputy must have at least 100 exp. points, and log into Cybertown every other day for an hour or two. They help the Black Sun club to run smoothly, and act as boucers, making sure the language is kept clean, and behavior is in accordance with Coci rules. Responsibilities can include: Operating RP files, advertizing the events in the nightclub, offer new idea for the Nightclub Chief to implement, helping citizens with questions, checking the club messageboard, and helping with the club webpage. skills such as HTML, VRML, and graphics are a plus.


Top CVN Editor:

Weekly cc Wages: 275

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The CVN editor is the chief position for the Cybertown weekly and daily news. CVN stands for "Cybertown Virtual News" and it is the editors job to oversee and run it. Responsibilities can include; Writing, editing, recruiting, interviewing, supervising reporters, and deputy's, responding to story requests, following up, and checking the veracity of stories submitted. Some web design skills are a plus, and leadership a must. The CVN editor also hires and trains the deputy news editors, and other staff.


Top Deputy News Editor:

Weekly cc Wages: 250

Weekly exp. gained: 20

Job description: The deputy news editors are the assistants to the CVN editor, and their responsibilies are much the same as the CVN editor. Each deputy is responsible for each area of news, and has his/her own individual writing staff to oversee. News editors are chosen based upon proven leadership ability and work performance while on staff as a writer/reporter.


Top CVN Staff Writer:

Weekly cc Wages: 200

Weekly exp. gained: 15

Job description: Any citizen who wants to write for the CVN daily or weekly can apply through the CVN editor. The requirements are that you fill out an application, and then have 2 stories published in the CVN. After a citizen has his/her application accepted, and then has his/her first 2 stories published, he/she will be given the title of CVN Staff. Continued performance is neccessary however. Although this position has no exp. requirement, making it a good job for the new citizen to aquire, continued published work is required to maintain the title.

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